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Stone Tower

Do you trust the data?

We reveal all hidden patterns and help you unlock the power of data for better insights.

You need an Eye on your project with an independent Quality control agency, and this is where we come in. We understand and respect your concerns about data integrity. That’s why we take special care to deliver authentic and reliable quality control and assurance service as third party. 



Spot checking

With this type of Check, we apply the methodology and pay a surprise visit to an interviewer in the middle of an interview and check his work. Taking into account if the interviewer has properly observed all the methodology required.

Accompaniment or Observation

We assign quality Control personnel who accompanies an interviewer from the observation of the methodology until the selection of a respondent. The QC personnel sit in the interview to observe and make corrections when necessary. He makes note of the interviewers’ strengths and weaknesses.

Forensic checks

Our Quality Control department runs forensic checks on Daily Achievement and Duplicate Records such as duplicate numbers, addresses, and respondent ID numbers. Interview Length, Time Overlaps, Find Time, inconsistency in responses, data accuracy, interview strike rates, GPS checks plotting are all verified. This process is also used to cross-check respondents' qualifications based on the previous interviews especially on trackers etc.

Telephone validation

We ensure follow up phone calls are made to respondents to Prompt Verification of Interviews (usually within 24 hours from when interviews are conducted) in other to ascertain the Response Rate ( number of respondents contacted /total selected sample) Content Validation: ensure that responses captured are the same given by the respondent.

B/C(Back checking)

With this type of check, QC personnel go back to where the interview has already taken place to confirm from the respondent if he/ she has been interviewed. In doing this type of check we take note of the following:


Check on the application of the methodology:

Which covers sampling point, day’s code, dwelling structure, household selection and sampling Gap, Qualification of respondent, Subject matter of the project, Hour of work/time of the interview, Data accuracy, Collection, or confirmation of respondents telephone number for validation purposes.



How we can help


Quality Control / Assurance


Interviewer Recruitment and Training


Quality Control Supervisor and Training


Project Management and Location


Project briefing, and Moderation in French or English Language


Transcribing in either French or English


Forensic Data Checks

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